
MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs) Details

Starting in the 2023 performance year, MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs) offer a fresh and voluntary reporting option to fulfill MIPS reporting requirements. The primary aim of the MVP reporting option is to streamline and connect measures and activities across the MIPS performance categories. This approach intends to simplify the process, reduce complexity, and alleviate the burden while fostering more meaningful groupings of measures and activities. By doing so, a more interconnected evaluation of care can be achieved. 

MVPs encompass a subset of measures and activities that pertain to a specific medical specialty or condition. This allows participants to focus on a smaller, more coherent set of measures and activities within the traditional MIPS framework. Additionally, MVP participants receive enhanced performance feedback tailored to their specific MVP. This feedback facilitates comparison among clinicians reporting within the same MVP, supporting the overarching objective of placing patients at the forefront. Ultimately, the goal is to improve health outcomes, lower costs for patients, and equip them with comparable performance data to make better-informed decisions. 

MVPs will be available for reporting beginning with the 2023 performance year. There are 12 MVPs currently finalized for the 2023 performance year:

  1. Advancing Rheumatology Patient Care MVP 
  2. Coordinating Stroke Care to Promote Prevention and Cultivate Positive Outcomes MVP
  3. Advancing Care for Heart Diseases MVP
  4. Optimizing Chronic Disease Management MVP
  5. Adopting Best Practices and Promoting Patient Safety within Emergency Medicine MVP
  6. Improving Care for Lower Extremity Joint Repair MVP
  7. Patient Safety and Support of Positive Experiences with Anesthesia MVP
  8. Advancing Cancer Care MVP
  9. Optimal Care for Kidney Health MVP
  10. Optimal Care for Patients with Episodic Neurological Conditions MVP
  11. Supportive Care for Neurodegenerative Conditions MVP
  12. Promoting Wellness MVP

The specific timeframe for phasing out traditional MIPS has yet to be determined. However, there will come a time in the future when reporting MVPs will be obligatory. It is advisable to begin reporting MVPs now in order to become acquainted with the requirements, as participation is currently optional.