What is MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs)?

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The MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs) are a recently introduced reporting option for healthcare professionals that presents a focused set of measures and activities that are specific to a particular medical specialty or condition. By grouping these measures and activities together in a more meaningful way, MVPs enable a more comprehensive evaluation of the quality of […]


What are the key MIPS changes for 2023?

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One of the main changes for MIPS reporting in 2023 is the option for clinicians to use MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs) to fulfill their reporting requirements. MVPs are designed to align and integrate measures and activities across the Quality, Cost, and Clinical Improvement categories of MIPS for different specialties or conditions. While MVPs will eventually […]


Clinician Types eligible for MIPS 2023

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According to CMS, around 719,516 clinicians will meet the eligibility requirements for MIPS in 2023. These eligibility criteria will determine the MIPS payment adjustments for the year 2025. This number is lower than the approximately 809,593 eligible clinicians in 2022. In 2023, the types of clinicians eligible for MIPS will remain the same as in […]


Clinician Types eligible for MIPS 2022

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You are only eligible to participate in MIPS if you are a MIPS eligible clinician type. If you’re not one of the clinician types listed below, you’re excluded from reporting and the MIPS 2022 payment adjustment. Physicians (including doctors of medicine, osteopathy, dental surgery, dental medicine, podiatric medicine, and optometry) Osteopathic practitioners Chiropractors Physician assistants […]


2022 MIPS Eligibility

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MIPS Eligibility determination may change each Performance Year (PY) due to changing policy of QPP CMS. Practice/ Provider eligibility status is based on: National Provider Identifier (NPI) Associated Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TINs). When a Practice/ Provider has been reassigned their Medicare billing rights to a TIN, then their NPI becomes associated with that TIN. This […]


What to Report ?

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Quality Replaces the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS). Most participants: Report up to 6 quality measures, including an outcome measure, for a minimum of 90 days. Groups using the web interface: Report 15 quality measures for a full year. To submit data as a group through the CMS Web Interface, you must register your group […]


What is Pick Your Pace Option ?

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You have some flexibility in the Quality Payment Program. In 2022, there are three ‘Pick Your Pace’ options: test, partial pace, and full pace. You can also choose not to participate in MIPS.Here are the “Pick Your Pace” details: Test Participation: For the 2022 transition year, all MIPS eligible clinicians have a “test” option. If […]


Submitting your MIPS data to CMS for 2022

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MIPS-eligible clinicians can submit their 2022 MIPS data by March 31, 2023. So there’s no time to waste. If you think its too late for you to think about this then you are wrong. Submit2CMS is to help you here. We can do test submission for you so that you avoid any penalty and if […]